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Jon Yoon – LINC Member Extraordinaire

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 “My United Way helps create a more vibrant Columbus for everyone.”

Jon Yoon clearly likes to be where the action is. The 34-year-old Senior Marketing Consultant lives downtown in the heart of the city and admits he really enjoys watching Columbus grow.

“I’ve recently become a nerd about watching out for new Columbus development,” he says. “We live in such a great city. I consider myself fortunate to experience a vibrant Columbus.”

But Jon wants to be sure everyone in central Ohio has the opportunity to experience the vibrancy and growth of Columbus, so volunteerism is high on his list of things to do when he’s not hard at work at Nationwide.

“I’ve been donating to United Way for years because Nationwide is such an avid supporter,” explains Jon. “But since joining LINC, I’ve developed a better understanding of the breadth and depth of service United Way provides for central Ohio. It feels good to understand what my money is supporting.”

Jon is an active member of LINC (Lead. Impact. Network. Change.) and of LINC’s volunteer Leadership Committee. He joined United Way’s newest affinity group because membership offers him numerous opportunities to volunteer and interact with other young professionals in the community.

“Community service has been a tremendous opportunity to apply my talents to help others, while learning professional and personal skills in the process,” he says. “Young professionals in particular who don’t volunteer are really missing an unbelievable opportunity for growth.”

While Jon admits he first joined LINC for the fun, interesting service projects and the opportunity to meet great people, he says the organization’s focus on positively impacting the community keeps him coming back.

“I’m amazed at United Way’s ability to mobilize volunteers and to turn ideas into action,” he explains. “And the focused impact is really important to me. There’s real purpose behind the dollars and service hours. I can see how my involvement is truly making a difference.”

In addition to volunteering with LINC , Jon helped form Young Professionals Against Diabetes (YPAD). He also serves on the Central Ohio Diabetes Association’s Board of Directors.


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