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About United Way of Union County

It’s our mission to bring neighbors and resources together to improve lives in Union County, Ohio.

Your Pledge to Us; Our Pledge to You

When you complete a United Way pledge form, you’re pledging to make a donation to our organization. But the United Way is also making a pledge to you: to use your investment wisely to make the greatest possible impact in our community. This is not a pledge taken lightly at the United Way of Union County. Much effort is made to live up to the highest standards of charitable accountability.

Each year, the United Way of Union County must prove that it meets 13 requirements for United Way of America membership along with verification of the status of 44 indicators that demonstrate it embodies the intent of the membership requirements.

United Way remains the first and only Union County non-profit organization to meet the new 20 standards of Charitable Accountability established by the Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio. This allows another set of independent eyes to oversee and validate the operations of our organization.

Each month, an independent CPA reviews our monthly financial statements and every year, a different firm performs an audit of our organization. Our most recent audit is linked above.

In addition, United Way files the IRS tax form 990. Each of these documents is available upon request for public review and inspection. Our most recent 990 can be accessed here.

To review our financial statements or audit, please call our office at (937) 644-8381.

2023-24 Advisory Council

The United Way of Union County has been a valued community partner since it was founded in 1958. It is a local organization, guided by neighbors you know, volunteers who live and work right down the street. It is governed by an active and responsible advisory council, whose members serve three-year terms, have no material conflict of interest, and serve without compensation.

  • Melissa Marino, Chair, Mary Rutan Hospital
  • David Roebke, Vice-Chair, Memorial Health
  • Jon Lawrence, Treasurer, Yellow Finch Financial
  • Emily Davis, Assistant Treasurer, Richwood Marketing
  • Sherri Coleman, Secretary, Nationwide
  • Ashley Boyer, Assistant Secretary, Memorial Health
  • Michael Irving, Past Chair and United Way of Central Ohio Board Member, Nestle Development Center Marysville
  • Pete Lore, United Way of Central Ohio Board Member, Nationwide
  • Lynnette Focht, Marysville Exempted Village School District
  • Mandi Herman, Union County Board of DD
  • Maggie Mullen, Express and Plumm Home
  • Rev. Sara McSwords, Pastor at Beloved United Methodist Church, Marysville
  • Adham Schirg, Fairbanks Local Schools
  • Matthew Zarnosky, Union Rural Electric

For more than 65 years, the United Way of Union County has been a valued community partner in our community.

1958: United Appeals of Union County is organized.
A group of local business professionals and area residents begin plans to coordinate the county’s first “United Fund Drive.” The idea is suggested by the Chamber of Commerce to imitate what is done in other communities: have one structured fundraiser for multiple social service agencies that are attempting to raise money on their own. Eight agencies benefitted from the first drive, and six of those agencies remain today.

1959 – 1978: Slow but steady growth
For the next 20 years, volunteers, including representatives from the agencies receiving funding, guide the annual United Appeals process. The number of participating businesses in the “Industrial Division” grows, and the campaign enjoys modest growth from raising just under $35,000 in 1958 to $76,000 in 1978.

1979: Honda of America conducts first campaign
Honda opens its motorcycle plant in Marysville in 1979 and raises a modest $650 that year for United Way, but that was just the beginning. More than $3.6 million is donated to United Way of Union County by Honda associates and corporate matches during the last 30 years.

1981: Campaign exceeds $100,000
The campaign hits six figures for the first time.

1982: Volunteers change name to United Way of Union County
Keeping in line with Community Chests and United Appeals across the country.

1985: Year of Change for United Way
United Way rents an office on East Fifth Street and hires the first staff member, Linda Tipple.

1989: Campaign surpasses $250,000
A milestone is reached as the organization raises more than a quarter million dollars.

1992: Shari Marsh hired as Executive Director
In September 1992, volunteers promote Shari Marsh from her role as office secretary to United Way’s third Executive Director.

1997: First Community Care Day
150 volunteers completed projects on the first Community Care Day.

1998: Best campaign ever!
Achieved an amazing 130% of goal!
Another milestone year, with the organization raising more than $589,000.

2001: Youth Arts & Recreation Fund started
Volunteers begin an initiative to fund youth programs to keep kids involved in positive, structured activities.

2003: Website launched
The organization reaches out to donors by launching a website and distributing a quarterly newsletter.

2003-2008: Services for the homeless established
Reflecting the changing needs of a growing community, United Way works to establish a safety net for those facing eviction and homelessness.

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Diversity and Inclusion

The Organization encourages donors, residents, and community members in Union County to participate in all activities of the Organization, including but not limited to, committee representation, fund raising and community and volunteer activities. The United Way of Union County does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, or national origin. At the United Way of Union County, diversity and inclusion are an important aspect of our work. We understand from experience that the best solutions are crafted by diverse perspectives and stakeholders. Our Board of Trustees, staff, and volunteers come from many walks of life and reflect the many faces that make up our community. Inclusion is essential to what we do because it creates and strengthens our community. It is at the heart of what it means to Live United and to advance the common good. To be a diverse and inclusive system is fundamental to meeting human service needs in Union County. We actively seek input and fully engage a broad range of partners to help us develop solutions that will result in long lasting change. Years ago, we laid the foundation and moving forward, we will continue to leverage and build upon talent, strength and opportunity that is available in Union County.

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Bringing neighbors and resources together to improve lives in Union County, Ohio, since 1958.

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Get in Touch with United
Way of Union County

United Way of Union County, Inc. Mailing address:

Community Impact Center
215 N. Front St., Suite 600
Columbus, OH 43215
937.644.8381 | Fax: 937.303.4168

Brandi Hibbs

Tessa Fite
Harwood Initiative Coordinator | Program

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