The Success by Third Grade movement is seeking committed volunteers for the Groveport Madison Reading Buddies Program, which supports students in kindergarten through third grade. Can you spare several hours a month to change a child’s life?
Please look over the available time slots below and click on the RESPOND button to submit your information for this opportunity. You can also send an email to if you have questions. We will respond to your RESPONSE or your email ASAP with follow-up information to get you started as a Reading Buddy!
Time slots are available M/T/W/Th/F. Within each time slot, you will have the opportunity to read to three children for 20 minutes each.
· 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
· 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
· 1 to 2 p.m.
· 2 to 3 p.m.
We are asking you to consider a one-hour time slot / one or two times a week from
January through May 2023. However, we can accommodate different availabilities.
We are excited for you to help support the students at Groveport Madison Elementary Schools.
Have: = 28 volunteers
- It’s a revolving door: as of 1/25/23 – 18 volunteers cleared, 9 are waiting to have a cleared background check this month, 1 getting back with their updated availability)
Need: 45 more volunteers
- Total 74 slots total needed to be filled.
(I know numbers don’t add up, 1 person took 2 classes and 4 slots at Glending)
- How many children we’d like to serve through the program.
- 74 x 3 (each serve 3 students in a 1-hour time slot) = 222 students
- A short quote from a current volunteer regarding the experience so far or why they became a volunteer.
“My Reading Buddy lacked confidence and said he was a poor reader. After reading 11/12 words correctly he gained confidence and said large assignments overwhelm him. This is why I do what I do.”
– Kathleen ( doesn’t want last name or any pics on social media, but this is a great quote)
“Statics show that students who read 20 minutes each day will be exposed to 1.8 million words per year. The reading buddies’ program is a response to a need to ensure students in grades K-3 are receiving increased frequency of exposure to written text and reading materials. The more students practice reading the more prepared they are to move from learning to read to reading to learn.”