“Mentors are important in a student’s life because they’re someone to look up to and depend on,” says Kila Joseph. She speaks from experience, having benefited from both being mentored and mentoring others.
“Having a mentor can keep students on the right track for success, motivating them to reach whatever goals they have for themselves. I say this because that’s how my mentor has helped me,” Kila explains. “She’s been a friend and someone I would call family at this point because of all she has helped me through.”
And now that Kila is a young professional, she has turned the tables and is helping to guide a young person toward a brighter future. For her, volunteering and mentoring bring “the gratification of doing good, of giving back to others who may need it.”
Kila graduated from high school in central Ohio in 2010, but she’s already gone back to her alma mater multiple times. What’s the draw exactly for this busy 20-something professional? She spent hours creating a mural in the school’s cafeteria that shows students the exciting possibilities that lie ahead of them if they don’t let barriers hold them back.
And that’s not all—Kila also channels her energy and enthusiasm into service projects as a member of United Way’s LINC (Lead. Impact. Network. Change.) group. She’s been a dedicated member since the group launched in 2014. LINC is THE place for young people age 30ish and younger who have a passion for making a difference in our community—people like Kila.
Her favorite LINC event was the first extreme school makeover the group did at Duxberry Park Arts IMPACT Elementary School. She and other LINC members joined the school’s principal and staff members to complete a number of projects in just four hours. But she makes it clear that she thoroughly enjoys every volunteer experience she has.
“Not only am I helping others by giving my time, I’m learning from each and every experience, from the people I meet to the conversations that we have,” Kila says.
Interested in meeting other young professionals AND making an impact in our community like Kila? You can connect with LINC on Facebook or Instagram to learn more, or visit columbus.uwlinc.org.