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614 Day | Can You Name a Single Columbus Historical Fact? You Can’t? You’re Not Alone.

May 19th, 2021

Most residents of central Ohio come from outside the metro area, across the country or around the world, meaning they are not well-versed on the city’s history. What do the Short North arches mean? What was the first tax approved in Columbus? Why did the state capital move three times before landing in Columbus? Full of importance, the city has a unique history with many great contributions to regional and national history. Established in 1812 as the first city in the United States solely created to be a state capital, Columbus was not an early success. Prosperity in the city is not evenly felt. Some neighborhoods struggle while others thrive.  This session provides fun, quirky, interesting and historically noteworthy facts about Ohio’s capital and largest city, and how the past shapes our current day.

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