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Since 1885, The Salvation Army has been working in central Ohio neighborhoods providing basic needs, workforce development, GED and after-school education, disaster, housing and anti-human trafficking services.

Programs and Services:

The Salvation Army serves people in need without discrimination. By putting funds to maximum use, The Salvation Army provides services, programs and ministries that produce measurable, life-enhancing results. Area residents receive assistance through 29 programs, such as food from our seven Choice Food Pantries, meals served from our Mobile Feeding Canteen, tutoring and mentoring at our four After School Learning Centers, activities and assistance for seniors, GED and job training programs at our Career Enhancement Centers, Anti-Human Trafficking street outreach, case management and training efforts, housing and homeless prevention programs, rent and utility assistance, and Christmas assistance. Our facilities are also at the ready for disaster relief, including our mobile feeding canteen. In 2012, The Salvation Army in Central Ohio responded to more than 105,400 requests for service. In Franklin County, The Salvation Army has Worship and Community Service Centers located at: 2300 West Mound Street (43204); 760 Worthington Woods Boulevard, Worthington (43085); 3662 Karl Road (43224); and 966 East Main (43205). Service Area: Franklin, Delaware, Morrow, Union and Madison counties.


966 E. Main Street (43205)



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