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Since 1971, Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center (CRC) has been caring for the Clintonville-Beechwold community and beyond. CRC provides necessary resources to help the community in crisis, poverty, and other circumstances to empower them for a better tomorrow. As a community-based social services agency, CRC brings people together to help individuals and families build upon their strengths. CRC’s services include Family Services, Kinship Care, Senior Supportive Services, and an affordable after school and summer Youth Program - Kids Club. Mission: In the best tradition of settlement houses, CRC delivers responsive services, cultivates partnerships, and promotes opportunities to foster a healthier community.

Programs and Services:

CRC Family Services gives individuals and families in crisis resources they need. Resources include linkage to basic needs such as utilities, clothing, housing, healthcare and financial assistance through CRC’s Choice Food Pantry, Crisis Desk, and additional CRC Services and Programs. CRC’s Crisis Desk provides one-on-one short term assistance with food insecurity, healthcare and housing barriers, linkage to utility assistance, counseling, and help with applications for benefits. CRC Kinship Care Program meets emergency needs and supports kinship caregivers who are raising children with absentee parents. Resources include immediate case management, material assistance, educational resources and referrals, income assistance information and advocacy, referrals for clothing, food, and housing, information about utility assistance, and supportive counseling. CRC Senior Supportive Services equips older adults age 60 and over to thrive in their homes and remain healthy, safe and active in their community. Services include individual case management, basic needs, small group and medical transportation services, social outings and support group. Senior Services hosts a monthly fellowship Breakfast Club and offers transportation to the CRC Choice Food Pantry. CRC Youth Services - Kids Club consists of an after-school and summer program for students in grades K-5. Kids Club provides youth enriching academic activities, positive youth development, and keeps youth safe during the after school hours. Youth are offered art classes through Greater Columbus Arts Council, monthly guest speakers, recreation time and reading activities with a licensed Reading Specialist.


3222 N High St Columbus, OH 43202





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