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Founded in 1933, the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. We do not create potential. We defend, ignite and empower the potential of the youth we serve. This way our youth can reach their biggest possible future! Abraham Maslow identified loving relationships and a sense of belonging as basic human needs, much like food, shelter and safety, and that the realization of basic needs are needed for people to achieve their full potential. The relationships provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters are essential for young people to thrive. During 2020, our volunteers and supporters have stepped up in a BIG way. They are preventing social isolation in our most vulnerable population, our youth, and helping kids hold on to the positivity and resiliency they need to get through this difficult time. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio was one of the charter agencies that founded Big Brothers of America in 1947. Today we are one of the largest agencies of approximately 240 Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates in the country. We accomplish our mission through our four core programs: * Community-based Mentoring matches caring adults with children in need of friendship and guidance. Mentors meet with youth twice per month. These one-to-one relationships help youth grow socially and emotionally. * School-based Mentoring matches positive adults with children at schools around central Ohio. Mentors meet with youth weekly during the school year. * Camp Oty’Okwa provides group mentoring in a safe haven for youth. Children can attend summer camp or weekend camp during the school year. We also offer environmental education programs for schools. * MENTOR Central Ohio provides training, organizational consulting, and capacity building to more than thirty youth mentoring programs. At the heart of Big Brothers Big Sisters is the one-to-one relationship between the mentor and youth. Our organization is uniquely positioned to bring diverse groups of people together from different racial, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, and build bridges of understanding through the power of one-to-one relationships. In doing this we are playing a powerful role in ending racism and inequality.


1855 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. (43229)


614.839.2447/Toll free 866.892.2447

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