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Stephen’s story

After Stephen was diagnosed with cancer, fighting the disease was not the only battle he faced. Daily radiation and chemotherapy treatments had weakened him and made it impossible for him to work. As a result, he was struggling with depression and searching for help with basic needs like food, clothing and transportation.

He found the support and resources he needed through several United Way-funded programs. Stephen received daily transportation to and from his life-saving cancer treatments. He also got help with clothing and groceries.

Stephen is in remission now and his depression is gone, thanks to the people and programs that were there for him. If it wasn’t for them, he says, he’s not sure what would have happened to him. He says, “I was down the slope and now I’m back up, thanks to United Way and the community.”

Still too weak to work full-time but wanting to give back, he volunteers almost every day at the settlement house that supported him when he was at his lowest. And he’s finally able to think about his future.
“I’ve come a long way. But my long-term goal is to go back to school,” he says with a smile. “I’d like to be a social worker. I want to give back.”

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