Nora Gerber – An Original LINC Member

My United Way helps build a vibrant, collaborative community.
Born and raised in the same house in the Circles neighborhood where she lives now, 23-year-old Nora Gerber loves Columbus with a passion.
“I credit a lot of that love to my parents,” she explains. “They’ve seen the city grow and change dramatically throughout the last three decades.”
A recent graduate of nearby The Ohio State University, where her dad works, Nora lives out her passion for Columbus through her position as Talent Engagement Specialist with the Columbus Chamber of Commerce. Specifically, she connects students to businesses in Columbus in order to raise awareness about work opportunities in the Columbus region.
Nora’s mom is a social worker who has worked with diverse populations of people in central Ohio and currently works with traumatized youth at the United Methodist Children’s Home Family Services in Worthington. Her sister works at the Wexner Center for the Arts.
“My parents raised us to have an appreciation for the arts and for diversity,” explains Nora. “They continue to challenge us to see the richness and potential Columbus has to offer.”
Nora was one of the very first to join LINC (Lead. Impact. Network. Change.), and she is a key member of LINC’s volunteer Leadership Committee.
“I became involved with United Way of Central Ohio because I thought LINC would be a great way to be involved with and give back to the Columbus community,” she says. “I want to see my city continue to grow and evolve. The only way that can happen is if we are all contributing to the greater good.”
Says Diana Schrimpf, LINC’s director, “Nora is so enthusiastic, energetic and creative, and she’s definitely in the know about what cool things are going on in the city. She is great to have as a LINC member because you can count on her to show up at the early Saturday morning service projects.”
When Nora isn’t busy giving back through LINC, she loves to travel and compete with a trivia team.