The YMCA of Central Ohio is an inclusive organization joined together by a shared commitment of nurturing the potential of kids, promoting healthy living, and fostering a sense of social responsibility. With a mission to serve the whole community through programs expressing Judeo-Christian principles that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body, our impact is felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child, and when a community comes together for the common good. We know that lasting personal and social change comes about when we all work together. That's why, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income, or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. When you belong to the YMCA, you're joining a diverse community of people committed to youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. The Y is committed to strengthening communities to effect lasting, meaningful change. The execution of our mission requires the substantial engagement of our entire community and is only attainable when diversity and inclusion are core to our planning, programming, staffing, messaging, organizational structure, and partnerships. With a vast network of programs, branches, and locations to provide outreach in Central Ohio; the Y is committed to meeting community needs each time we open our doors, answer our phones, walk into a community space, or into a home. In 1855, the YMCA of Central Ohio opened its first branch in Downtown Columbus; today the Y has 13 wellness centers, one outdoor center, three residential centers, 68 licensed child care programs (3 Early Learning Centers, 6 preschool programs, 6 Head Start programs and 53 before and after school programs) and 20 summer day camp and enrichment opportunities. The Y also maintains a vast portfolio of community strengthening services; our commitment to community strengthening encompasses services that begin prenatally and move through the family’s lifespan.
1907 Leonard Ave, Columbus, OH 43219