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The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. For over 132 years the YWCA has been providing programs and services to women and children in the central Ohio communities. Current programs include before and after-school childcare for working families, the Women's Residency program, the YWCA Family Center an emergency shelter for homeless families, a 5 star rated child care center located in the Family Center and Social Justice programming.

Programs and Services:

For nearly 130 years, YWCA Columbus has made incredible strides at fulfilling our mission through programs that meet community needs, such: • YWCA Family Center, an award-winning shelter that provides emergency services for homeless families and connects them with resources to find permanent housing, often within three weeks of entering the shelter; • Women’s Residence Program, a supportive housing program in our downtown Griswold building for women who are formerly homeless, struggling with mental illness, substance abuse, and/or earning low-income wages; • Supportive services including Race in the Workplace seminars to help those in the workplace understand race issues, and our award-winning Race Against Racism curriculum. • YWCA Kids Place, school-aged child care is offered at 20 schools at 17 locations. • Leadership programs that include Bright Futures: a mentoring program for high school juniors, Chase/Gen Y Leadership Project providing leadership development for women in their 20s/30s, and our Leadership Luncheon series on topics that are timely and inspirational


YWCA COLUMBUS - 65 S. Fourth Street (43215); YWCA Family Center and the YWCA Child Care at the Family Center - 900 Harvey Court (43219) - 614.253.3910 fax 614.253.3962; YWCA Before and After School Child Care Columbus 614.224.9121 x 1233, Gahanna & New Albany 614.224.9121 x 1211, Westerville 614.224.9121 x 1271; Women’s Residence at the Griswold WINGS Program - 65 S. Fourth Street (43215) 614.224.9121 x 1255 fax 614.233.3305; Leadership Development Programming - Bright Futures and Gen Y 614.224.9121 x 1226 fax 614.224.0613; Racial Justice Dialogues 614.224.9121 x 1226 fax 614.224.0613



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