Physicians CareConnection (PCC) is the largest coordinator of voluntary health care services in Franklin County with more than 1,000 primary/specialty health care professionals and 13 participating hospitals. The PCC connects vulnerable Franklin County residents with medical homes and improves access to specialty care.
Programs and Services:
Care Coordination: Our care coordinators receive referrals for patient care through our many partnerships. Once the referral has been reviewed, the care coordinator works to schedule all appointments and coordinate all ancillary services (i.e transportation, medical interpreter, etc.) needed for a successful appointment. Based on the referral, patients can receive care through the following avenues: Primary Care: Patients are able to receive primary care through our free clinic. The clinic is operated every Monday evening. The goal is to stabilize the patient’s condition and treat them until a successful hand off to a permanent primary care doctor can be made. Through the care connector the patient’s health care needs will be “bridged” until they have their first primary care appointment at their new medical home. This includes coordination of additional primary care visits, specialty visits, medications, vision screenings, nutrition visits, labs and diagnostics testing. Specialty Care: We are the primary provider/coordinator of specialty care services for people who do not have insurance in central Ohio. Based on availability and severity of illness, we can provide access to specialty services through our free clinic or schedule an appointment with a specialist in their office. Dental Care: Every second and fourth Monday, we operate a single tooth extraction dental clinic at the Columbus Public Health. Linkage to Insurance: We screen for eligibility for public insurance. If a patient is eligible, we connect them to Job and Family Services or the Veterans Administration.
1390 Dublin Road (43215)