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Antonie’s Story

When Antonie couldn’t help his son solve a third-grade math problem, he decided it was time to make a change. For him, that meant making education a priority and getting his GED. He admits he wasn’t putting much effort into making a good living up to that point, but now he wants to be a positive role model for Antonie Jr.

After discovering support and opportunities at a settlement house in the neighborhood, Antonie began working hard to build financial stability. First he got his food safety certification and then he earned his GED. Finally, he attended an economic empowerment class. It all led to a full-time job at Granddad’s Pizza and Pub, where he found his passion for cooking and pride in his work and in himself.

Antonie can’t say thank you enough for the opportunities that helped him create a new future for himself and for his son. And he’s not done yet. Next up, he plans to attend culinary art school, become a chef and eventually own his own catering service or food truck.
“It’s a good honest living,” Antonie says. “And I’m glad I can show my son that.”

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