Invest in Central Ohio’s Future with United Way Life
United Way Life uses an affordable guaranteed life insurance policy. With a modest out-of-pocket cost, you can create a substantial gift that will make an impact in our community forever. With just five annual tax-deductible premium payments to United Way of Central Ohio, the policy is fully paid. Both the premiums and the death benefit are guaranteed to fulfill your gift intent.
Working through a national partnership, United Way Life identifies highly rated best-in-class insurance carriers and constantly searches the market for the greatest value for your charitable dollars. The team at United Way Worldwide will assist you every step of the way, ensuring confidential handling of your information and arranging all required underwriting processes with program partners.
Once premium amounts are determined, they are guaranteed and do not change over the five years. And with United Way of Central Ohio named as the owner and beneficiary of the policy, you receive a tax deduction for each of your five annual premium payments.
The addition of a United Way Life policy also may qualify you for membership in one or more of United Way’s giving groups, or you can use it to step up to the next level of giving over a short period of time, while enjoying membership benefits immediately.
Complete this form to get your free quote today, or to have someone contact you with more information! Or contact Mary Birchard at or 614.227.2708.