The Franklin County Youth Council (FCYC) is comprised of high school youth throughout Franklin County. There is a gender, cultural and religious mix representing African American, Caucasian, Somali, Hispanic, Asian, Islamic, Pakistani and Fula students.

The FCYC goals are to:

  • Develop and enhance leadership skills
  • Create a county-wide youth portal and social media effort on teen issues.
  • Involve youth in community service and projects of social responsibility
  • Engage youth in the development of programs and services related to youth needs

The FCYC outcomes:

  • Members of FCYC members will be empowered to be ambassadors to represent the concerns and be the voice of youth in Franklin County
  • Members of FCYC will meet with key officials to advocate for community change.
  • Represent FCYC at conferences and special events.

To learn more about the Franklin County Youth Council you can contact the Program Director Ms. Susie Shipley-Norwood at: or Ms. Shipley-Norwood can also be reached at 614-679-3239. You can also contact Joni Head, Administrative Assistant at or call 614-227-2745.

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