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Central Ohio Nonprofits Respond to Diversity Survey


Central Ohio nonprofits were invited to complete a survey in order to better understand what they are doing to foster racial equity within their organizations, and what resources, supports, or tools may help advance these efforts.  Overall, 92 nonprofit organizations in the health and human services sector completed the survey and included current funded partners of the City of Columbus, Franklin County, the Community Shelter Board or United Way of Central Ohio, or are a member of the Human Service Chamber.

Key findings from this survey are detailed in this executive summary. Survey respondents also identify training and funding (to assess, address,
encourage and maintain racial equity in their organizations) as crucial needs. They seek assistance recruiting qualified people with diverse backgrounds to join their board and staff. Finally, they request best practices and models for ongoing training, for recruiting diverse board and staff members, and for self-assessing their racial equity efforts.
Download the Survey Report Here.

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