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AEP Foundation Makes Generous Investment to Support Central Ohioans in Need


The American Electric Power Foundation (AEP) has committed $825,000 to support local nonprofits and families in crisis due to COVID-19. With the help of United Way, the generous donation will be used to ensure our community’s families have resources to meet basic needs and children have opportunities to achieve student success.

“The global pandemic has created an unstable environment for families and nonprofits, alike. Just as more families need access to services, nonprofits are losing funding,” said Lisa Courtice, president and CEO of United Way of Central Ohio. “Generous donations from companies like AEP make it possible for our community to continue to help those most in need, and provide for a better tomorrow.”

According to a United Way and Human Service Chamber of Franklin County survey conducted in July, 90% of health and human services nonprofits responding had lost revenue and 92% reported an increase in the cost of delivering services. AEP Foundation’s contribution will help strengthen central Ohio’s safety net by supporting United Way’s Stable Families program, Community Response Fund and Community Service Crisis Fund.

● Stable Families: This successful partnership between the Siemer Institute and United Way of Central Ohio serves families with school-age children at risk of becoming homeless by focusing on housing stability and reducing school mobility.
● Community Response Fund: This fund supports nonprofits that help people in crisis obtain food, shelter and financial assistance. With AEP Foundation’s help, providers can continue providing urgent services while adhering to social distancing protocols.
● Community Service Crisis Fund: This resource prevents evictions and utility shut-offs by working directly with landlords and utility companies on behalf of those in crisis. In most cases, these crises necessitate immediate intervention versus referral to a local nonprofit.

“The American Electric Power Foundation focuses on improving lives through education from early childhood through higher education and by meeting basic needs for emergency shelter, affordable housing and the elimination of hunger,” said Dale Heydlauff, president of the AEP Foundation. “By partnering with United Way of Central Ohio, we are ensuring our contribution will make a significant impact and improve the lives of thousands of people during this most challenging of times.”

The need for assistance is expected to increase with the expiration of federal bonus programs (such as PPP), unemployment benefits, eviction and foreclosure moratoriums and suspensions of utility shut-offs. Now, more than ever before, support from corporate partners is necessary to provide relief plus long-term recovery from the effects of COVID-19.

The American Electric Power Foundation is one of many organizations that partner with United Way of Central Ohio. As an extension of AEP’s foundation, United Way ensures contributions are distributed responsibly and effectively and in accordance with established charitable guidelines. For more information about United Way of Central Ohio corporate partnerships, please contact Mary Birchard at 614.227.2708.

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