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Posting date:

July 5, 2019

How to apply:

Interested candidates should 1) submit cover letter and resume to Deb Light at and 2) complete an application online on the Habitat International website for the following program:

Job Description:

Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio is currently seeking a full-time AmeriCorps member to serve from August 2019-July 2020 in the role of Volunteer Services Coordinator.

The Volunteer Services Coordinator will help recruit, train, schedule and recognize volunteers while growing the volunteer base and advancing individual and group partnerships. The member will assist with volunteer management, including orientation, maintenance of database, volunteer tracking and follow-up opportunities in construction, office work, ReStores, deconstruction, family services, special events and other needs that may arise. The member may also focus on specific impact areas, such as neighborhood revitalization, disaster recovery, veteran outreach, etc.

Duties include: 

  • Assist with volunteer management including orientations, maintenance of database, volunteer tracking and follow up for opportunities in construction, office, ReStore, deconstruction, family services and special events with other needs.
  • Work with volunteer services and construction staff to fulfill daily tasks needed to ensure successful volunteer build day – volunteer counts confirmed, workday information communicated, volunteers are signed in properly, orientation and safety briefing are provided as needed, volunteer are engaged throughout workday, safety guidelines are observed, and sites are maintained.
  • Assist in the development of written volunteer position or assignment descriptions, as needed.
  • Assist in the development and implementation of effective recruitment messaging.
  • Visit the build sites to observe and gain an understanding of tasks in which volunteers are asked to participate, occasionally building alongside volunteers.
  • Schedule and communicate affiliate needs with all assigned individual volunteers and volunteer groups.
  • Improve volunteer resource database and online volunteer management tools through collecting updated contact information for volunteers who can assist with specific needs.
  • Maintain communication with volunteers through volunteer e-newsletters and by updating volunteer-related areas of the affiliate website, and individual and team volunteer manuals with current information as needed.
  • Assist in the planning and execution of annual volunteer appreciation banquet and other volunteer appreciation and recognition activities throughout the year.
  • Assist in the development of new and revision of old volunteer recognition tools.
  • Assist in collection of feedback through volunteer experience survey and analyzing the results that follow.
  • Attend community outreach programs to promote volunteer opportunities, including events targeted at the military, veteran and senior communities, HYP (Habitat Young Professionals), and other specialized and skilled volunteer groups to help fill affiliate needs. Secure and manage affiliate presence at volunteer fairs.
  • Assist in the strengthening of existing and the development of new partnerships with community businesses and organizations to provide in-kind donations for volunteer appreciation activities and other volunteer services department needs.
  • Assist in volunteer communication and appreciation through website articles, social media, recruitment emails, and community needs.
  • Assist with Neighborhood Revitalization activities, such as Rock the Block and other community events.

Required Qualifications:

• 18 years of age or older

• U.S. citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident

• High school diploma or GED equivalent (or agree to work towards one while serving)

• Driver’s license

• Personal vehicle

• Microsoft Office Suite (especially Word/Excel/PowerPoint)

Helpful Qualifications:

  • Knowledge of, and willingness to promote, the mission and activities of Habitat for Humanity International and AmeriCorps.
  • Ability to work with a diverse group of people.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong research skills.
  • Detail oriented and highly organized.
  • Experience working with volunteers, teaching or group facilitation.
  • Experience working as a member of a larger team.
  • Problem solving skills.
  • Adaptable to change.
  • Public speaking experience.
  • Knowledge of community development practices.
  • Project management experience.

For more information, visit

AmeriCorps members will receive a living allowance of $15,750, basic health benefits, and an Education Award of $6095 upon completion of service. Habitat MidOhio also provides members with housing assistance of up to $200 per month. 

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